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Vecchio 20-11-2023, 13:22   #101
Mukkista doc
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Cambiare concessionaria


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Vecchio 20-11-2023, 16:15   #102
Mukkista doc
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Registrato dal: 21 Mar 2018

...o cambiare moto..

Nel frattempo solidarietà.
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Vecchio 20-11-2023, 19:07   #103
Pivello Mukkista
L'avatar di jake
Registrato dal: 10 Apr 2020
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cambiare officina senza dubbio , anche a scambio di farsi qualche km .

oggi ho scoperto che la mia presa usata a 20,000km , è stato sostituito il cardano a 18.000km , ergo allo stato attuale ne ho 39.000 il cardano ne ha fatti circa 20mila e dovrebbe essere ad 1/3 della sua vita , a 80mila dovrebbero ricambiarmelo ma per non saper ne leggere ne scrivere ho mandato una pec minatoria . almeno nero su bianco lo vorrei.

Poi magari a 80 non ci arriverò perché che ne so mi innamoro della 901 e tradisco ma intanto chissà , meglio un foglio in più che in meno.
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Vecchio 21-11-2023, 08:52   #104
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Registrato dal: 29 Nov 2015
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Capisco e stimo l'educazione, ma darsi del Lei in un forum di motociclisti.....

dai cazzo............
I rettilinei sono soltanto i tratti noiosi che collegano le curve.
(Stirling Moss)
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Vecchio 21-11-2023, 09:01   #105
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Bravo ZUZZU, quando ce vó ce vó
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Vecchio 21-11-2023, 11:23   #106
Mukkista in erba
Registrato dal: 07 Nov 2020
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Da quando ho acquistato la mia prima GS 1250 ho sempre messo in conto la manutenzione del cardano, o meglio per essere più precisi dell’albero di trasmissione.
Trovo scontato un controllo periodico pulizia/ingrassaggio.
La GS a tanti CV e tanta coppia e non ha i classici parastrappi sulla ruota ma nell’albero di trasmissione. Poi il controllo, smontaggio/montaggio è anche abbastanza veloce perché non farlo? Sicuramente in passato il pacchetto trasmissione cardanica è stato venduto come eterno a zero manutenzione ma cv e coppia erano inferiori, magari adesso con più cv e coppia c’è una maggiore usura del componente principale, l’albero di trasmissione.
Ultima nota e concludo, considerando che ogni 10000 km facciamo il tagliando se uno si ed uno no controlliamo ed ingrassiamo non mi sembra una cosa folle, anzi…e nel caso fosse da sostituire mi sembra scontato debba avvenire a carico di bmw essendo stato da loro escluso nello scadenzario delle manutenzioni, quindi venduto per eterno a vita della moto, sbagliato ma hanno fatto tutto loro….non so voi ma io la vedo così…
Bmw R1250GS - Kawasaki Z1000 - Suzuki GSX-R 750 pista sono le attuali dopo tante altre…..
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Vecchio 23-11-2023, 19:27   #107
Pivello Mukkista
Registrato dal: 25 Nov 2010
ubicazione: Canada

Translated from the original German....





R 1200 / 1250 GS (K50)

R 1200/1250 GS ADVENTURE (K51)

R 1200 / 1250 RT (K52)

R 1200/1250 R (K53)

R 1200 / 1250 RS (K54)



A changed maintenance plan has been in effect for all K5x models since October 2023. For the first time, it includes maintenance positions for the cardan shaft.


The validity of the new maintenance plan is not limited to vehicles that were affected by service campaign 0033130000, but applies to all K5x models - even retroactively. If the validity is retroactive (model year 2023 and older), communication will be sent to customers. This is subject to different requirements depending on the market and may therefore be described in a separate service information.

For all vehicles from model year 2024, the maintenance plan change is already part of the operating instructions, so it is not communicated separately.

All vehicles with model year 2023 and older are marked with this service information.


• Mandatory: Replace the cardan shaft every 60,000 km of mileage of the cardan shaft - the mileage must be checked!

o Mileage of the cardan shaft: if the shaft of the vehicle has already been replaced once at 30,000 km (vehicle mileage) (as can be seen, for example, from the service history in AIR), then a replacement as part of maintenance is only necessary at 90,000 km (vehicle mileage). .

o This maintenance position is free for all customers, regardless of the age and mileage of the vehicle or the customer's service history.

Billing is carried out using the finding number 9033009900. (The finding number 87331000000 originally stated in AIR does not work as intended and will be changed to the new number in AIR with release 12/23).

• Voluntary (offer to the customer as part of the service acceptance): Check the cardan shaft using the ISTA-guided test method and grease the splines every 20,000 km

o This maintenance measure is carried out at the customer's expense (not included in central service inclusive packages).

o If a replacement becomes necessary due to the inspection of the cardan shaft (test result It. ISTA), this can be billed
with the corresponding normal findings regardless of age and mileage (no billing for service action 0033130000!).

o If a replacement becomes necessary due to the inspection of the cardan shaft (test result It. ISTA), this can be billed

with the corresponding normal findings regardless of age and mileage (no billing for service action 0033130000!).


For vehicles for which service action 0033130000 has not yet been completed, this must be carried out first. All conditions for maintenance described above apply after the service action has been carried out.


To support your customer communication, please use the help listed below. If you have any further questions, please contact your responsible market manager.

What changes does the maintenance plan for the R 1200/1250 models (K5x) have and since when are they valid?

BMW Motorrad has decided to adjust the maintenance schedule for the above-mentioned models in the interest of customer satisfaction over the life of the vehicle. The following content has been newly added:

- Replace the cardan shaft every 60,000 km (mileage of the cardan shaft, not the vehicle). This exchange takes place over the entire lifespan of the vehicle at BMW Motorrad’s expense.

- Maintenance recommendation: check the cardan shaft every 20,000 km (tester-guided test method) and re-grease the splines. This recommendation is not a mandatory content of the maintenance plan and is only carried out at the customer's request and expense.

The changed maintenance plan has been valid since the beginning of October 2023, and for vehicles with model year 2024 even since the start of production in August 2023.

Which vehicles are affected by the change?

The changed maintenance plan applies to all R 1200 / 1250 models (K5x) since the start of production (also retroactively).

Why is the cardan shaft no longer maintenance-free?

During ongoing field observations, BMW Motorrad has discovered that the cardan shaft of the R 1200 / 1250 models (K5x) occasionally suffers damage that impairs the function of the drive.

In individual cases, propulsion can be lost. The cases we know of show an increase with higher mileage, and there is also a connection with the technical design of the drive train (including driving position) and the segment-specific usage behavior.

These complaints occur to a greater extent with the R 1200/1250 GS models and government vehicles in the series than with the road models. Against this background, a service campaign was decided on for these models in 2022, as part of which the cardan shaft would be replaced at 60,000 km and at low temperatures.

After more frequent mileage, a specially developed test method is used to check for previous damage to the universal joints.

In the road-oriented models of the R 1200 / 1250 family, cardan damage only occurs extremely rarely.

The more moderate chassis geometry (lower articulation angle of the cardan shaft in the swingarm) as well as the usage profile without any terrain component ensure a significantly lower load level on the component.

Nevertheless, BMW Motorrad has decided to adapt the maintenance schedule for all models in the interest of customer satisfaction over the service life and as a preventive quality measure.

What costs will affected customers incur?

The mileage-related replacement of the cardan shaft is free of charge for customers over the entire life of the vehicle, even if the replacement limit has been reached several times and regardless of the vehicle's age.

The recommended (voluntary) inspection every 20,000 km increases the workload as part of the inspection by 9 AW.

Why is the exchange mandatory and the verification voluntary?

In view of the higher risk of damage as the duration increases, BMW Motorrad ensures that customer satisfaction is the focus over the entire lifespan of the vehicle by offering preventive, free replacement of the cardan shaft at regular intervals, even for older vehicles and frequent drivers. Checking and re-greasing at intervals is at the customer's discretion in order to take into account the different operating conditions of the vehicles and the personal priorities of the driver.

Why is the exchange carried out at the expense of BMW Motorrad, but the inspection is subject to a charge to the Customers?

Since BMW Motorrad is changing the maintenance plan retroactively, it would not be customer-oriented to subsequently impose increased maintenance costs for standard content on affected owners of an R 1200/R1250. BMW Motorrad will therefore cover the costs of replacing the cardan shaft for maintenance reasons. With the voluntary inspection every 20,000 km, it is the customer's decision whether to have this carried out or not. It is therefore his decision whether he wants to bear the associated costs or not.

Will the customer suffer any disadvantages if he foregoes the voluntary, paid inspection?

No, this does not result in any disadvantages for the customer. A rejection of the maintenance recommendation is not documented in the service history.

How will affected customers find out about the changed maintenance plan?

Depending on the country, affected customers with vehicles up to model year 2023 will either be given an insert for the operating instructions during their next visit to the workshop or sent directly with an information letter.

From model year 2024, the maintenance plan is already included in the operating instructions; affected customers will no longer be informed separately.

Will there also be maintenance plan content for the cardan shaft for other series with cardan drive in the future? For new series there may be maintenance plan content for the cardan shaft (e.g. for the R 1300 GS).

There are no changes to the maintenance plans for existing series (K series, R nineT models or R 18 models). (On the R 18 models, re-greasing the splines with spray wax as part of every maintenance visit has been mandatory since their market launch).

Why do the maintenance schedule contents of the R 1300 GS differ from those of the previous model?

The specifications for replacement and maintenance intervals depend on the technical design of the component and its use in the respective vehicle.

Why isn't replacing the cardan shaft on the R 1300 GS free of charge for the customer?

BMW Motorrad will cover the costs of replacing the cardan on the K5x series, as the maintenance plan change is made retroactively for the vast majority of customers, i.e. the customers Purchase did not have to assume that these inspection costs would be incurred. This is not the case with the R 1300 GS, here is the wait


A list of the affected vehicle identification numbers is made available to the affected markets on a daily basis in the TCM (Technical Campaign Management). Affected BMW motorcycle Partners will receive a list of their vehicle identification numbers in the known local systems as soon as the promotion has been approved by the respective market.

Before processing the technical action, it must be checked in AIR or S-Gate whether the vehicle is actually affected by this action. Not all vehicles in a model series are always affected by an action.


Dorit Mangold, EX-VA-2

Phone: +49 89 382 33664

HEY BMW: No service manual = no new bike.
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Vecchio 23-11-2023, 20:04   #108
Mukkista doc
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Registrato dal: 29 Nov 2015
ubicazione: Trento

La traduzione in bergamasco stretto esiste?
I rettilinei sono soltanto i tratti noiosi che collegano le curve.
(Stirling Moss)
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Vecchio 23-11-2023, 20:49   #109
Mukkista doc
Registrato dal: 07 Sep 2013
ubicazione: bergamo almenno san bartolomeo

Io da bergamasco condivido,ma parlando in bergamasco stretto non capiresti neanche tu
ex V STROm 650 exGS 1200 del 2010,adesso gs1250exclusive del2019
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Vecchio 23-11-2023, 21:44   #110
Mukkista doc
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Registrato dal: 29 Nov 2015
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Sicuro……il mio era un complimento al bergamasco
I rettilinei sono soltanto i tratti noiosi che collegano le curve.
(Stirling Moss)
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Vecchio 24-11-2023, 17:54   #111
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Registrato dal: 08 Mar 2013
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Originariamente inviata da MIRKO78 Visualizza il messaggio
Sicuramente in passato il pacchetto trasmissione cardanica è stato venduto come eterno a zero manutenzione
non tanto passato.
Sui miei monoalbero RT/R l ' operazione controllo aveva scadenza chilometrica
(se ricordo bene ogni 20mila)
Per i conce era talmente obbligatoria che uno mi fece un mazzo tanto perchè saltai l ' intervento.
Tra l ' altro per le serie che non avevano tappo di scarico ore 6 era anche uno sbattimento.
Per il bialbero non so.
Ma sicuramente sulle LC (sono stato uno dei primi avendo avuto un 10/2012)sul manuale se nera persa traccia.
Argomento trattato già a suo tempo.A mio avviso inutilmente perchè l ' operazione richiede mezz' ora e non una professionalità spiccata.
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Vecchio 30-11-2023, 11:24   #112
Mukkista doc
Registrato dal: 07 Sep 2013
ubicazione: bergamo almenno san bartolomeo
predefinito 50000km che dite?
ex V STROm 650 exGS 1200 del 2010,adesso gs1250exclusive del2019
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Vecchio 30-11-2023, 12:01   #113
Mukkista in erba
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Registrato dal: 14 Mar 2009
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Dico che non le farei mettere le mani...
.....GS 2013 " Essere meno grigi aiuta molto "
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Vecchio 30-11-2023, 13:06   #114
Mukkista doc
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predefinito Cambio cardano a 60000 km??

@Orobic, magari non è in foto e lo hai fatto comunque, ma le eventuali problematiche di ruggine sul millerighe pare che siano molto frequenti anche sul lato motore.

(Parlando di GS in versione LC sia 1200 che 1250 - per questi modelli NON è prevista sostituzione A PAGAMENTO al momento).

Ultima modifica di Slim_; 30-11-2023 a 13:51 Motivo: chiaramento !
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Vecchio 30-11-2023, 13:43   #115
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Inviato dal mio 2107113SG utilizzando Tapatalk
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Vecchio 30-11-2023, 13:48   #116
Mukkista doc
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@pipu, mancava qualcosa! Ho sistemato, grazie
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Vecchio 30-11-2023, 13:48   #117
Mukkista doc
Registrato dal: 07 Sep 2013
ubicazione: bergamo almenno san bartolomeo

Ho voluto controllare e come vedete alla fine sti cardano se tenuti bene non sono poi cosi' male.
ex V STROm 650 exGS 1200 del 2010,adesso gs1250exclusive del2019
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Vecchio 30-11-2023, 13:57   #118
Mukkista doc
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Originariamente inviata da Slim_ Visualizza il messaggio
pare che siano molto frequenti anche sul lato motore.

Inviato dal mio 2107113SG utilizzando Tapatalk
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Vecchio 30-11-2023, 14:07   #119
Mukkista doc
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@Pipu, non vado certo a fare ricerche online per dimostrarlo.
Di video online ne ho visti
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Vecchio 16-04-2024, 16:13   #120
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Registrato dal: 02 May 2019
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Oggi ho ricevuto a casa la raccomandata per il cambio cardano a 60.000 km con relativa paginetta dello schema di manutenzione aggiornato, che comprende la manutenzione e sostituzione del cardano, quest'ultima a spese di BMW.

Nel mio caso il cardano me lo avevano sostituito di loro sponte a 30.000 km durante il foro per la fuori uscita di condensa/acqua, a detta loro il cardano era perfetto ma lo hanno cambiato per sicurezza.

Non faccio off, per cui......

Quanto sopra se può essere utile a qualcuno.
BMW 1250 2021 Triple Black e Triumph Speedmaster del 2009.
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Vecchio 26-04-2024, 19:16   #121
infante Mukkista
Registrato dal: 16 Jul 2016
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Letterina arrivata anche a me oggi (quando il postino ha detto di scendere pensavo già a una multa!). Credevo non riguardasse le nate nel 2023... Sostituzione gratis ogni 60mila e consiglio di verifica/ingrassaggio ogni 20mila se uso gravoso (mah... non potevano fare gratis anche questo? Chi lo stabilisce l'uso gravoso, ad esempio se compri un usato?)
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Vecchio 26-04-2024, 21:11   #122
max 68
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Verifica ingrassaggio fatto questo inverno , speso 30 euro compreso video dell intervento
Cagiva Aletta Rossa-Honda xl 600-Kawasaki Kle 500-Suzuki sv1000- Gs lc 2017
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